Every thing, down to the tiniest detail, was just perfect. For instance, the aisle way was curved like a garden path, made of fine silk, secured to the carpet below with satin covered pins. That was just the aisle - the rest was just as awe-inspiring.
Here are some photos and videos of my beautiful cousin, her lucky husband, and our wonderful family on this special day.

The gorgeous bride.

Her adorable nieces dancing...

Truly a fairy tale

My aunt Sandy and uncle Tom

The whole ceiling was a giant chandelier!

Just lit by candles and soft blue, slow moving lights...

Centerpieces were amazing

Band warming up, final preparations of the room

Cake, mmm...

With my cousins, Val and Ali

Showing off my boa with Ali

Me & my dad

My dad and his wife, Loraine

Ali & her husband, Andrew

My uncle Tom, pimpin' the top hat, lol